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"I Need time to experience all of this"

Published on This blog is the first in a series of blogs that I will be writing about finding support in your cancer journey. I am an incredibly lucky woman. I have had amazing support and care throughout my Breast Cancer journey, in part because I am my own advocate and in part because I have an incredible family healthcare team that believes in supporting and caring for their patients.

Last week I received a copy of their Cancer brochure and I have decided to use it as a springboard for launching this blog. There are two ways to cope: Reflect and Do. Both are useful and can be used in co-operation the important thing is to find what works for you and use it.

Reflection is a vital and natural part of receiving the diagnosis of cancer or any illness. Anything that threatens your life or well being is going to bring you to a place of reflection. Suddenly, the past, the present and the future are going to intertwine in a very new and real way. There will be emotional upheaval: fear, anger, anxiety, sorrow, grief, there will be ups and downs. Though not by choice, you or your loved one have just gotten on the roller coaster of cancer. The emotions are normal, they can be intense and there may be times of shock and numbness. THIS IS NORMAL. This is cancer. You need to take time to process and experience this and to just be - that is perfectly acceptable and advisable.

So, what are some of the tips my health team has put together in this Reflection portion of this pamphlet? Let's look and see and in future blogs we will focus on them in depth and individually.

  • Take time to be - this is ok.
  • Know your thoughts and feelings - this will help you.
  • Explore what has happened.
  • Make this meaningful.

This happened
To explore:
  • What is strength?
  • What is peace?
  • What is security?
  • What is pain?
  • What is healing?

These are a beginning but the list of exploration and questions is infinite. Use these as a springboard and add whatever other questions you may think of. I had questions about my purpose, my plans, my faith, my relationships. I constantly asked questions and became an explorer of my own life. I chose to use writing and journalling to help me keep everything in order. I also sketched and used photography.

The key is ask your questions, and do what works for you. It took me months to find the different sources of comfort that helped me, it took courage and work but it changed my life. Just one step at a time. Take your time. This is your journey and no one else can tell you how to do it; and do not let anyone rush you, not even yourself. Take all the time you need. Be patient, be kind and give yourself permission to experience all of this.

And please know...... YOU ARE NOT ALONE.